What Are Brain Injuries and How Can They Occur in the Workplace?

Brain injuries in the workplace are traumatic injuries that can affect an employee’s brain function. These injuries can be caused by many different incidents, such as falls from height, objects falling and striking the head, slipping on a wet floor, or even vehicle collisions during work-related travel. Consider this scenario–a construction worker falls from scaffolding and strikes his head.

The resulting traumatic brain injury (TBI) can have life-altering effects on his cognition and physical abilities.

If you or a coworker suffers a brain injury at work, immediate medical attention is crucial. Report the injury to your supervisor as soon as possible and ensure that an incident report is filed. Seeking prompt medical care not only aids in recovery but also establishes a record of the injury and its circumstances, which is vital for any workers’ compensation claim.

What Does a Brain Injury Feel Like, and How Can Symptoms Progress?

Understanding the initial feeling and progression of symptoms following a brain injury is crucial, as they can often be subtle or delayed. Initially, you might not feel any different or may experience mild symptoms that you could easily dismiss as a headache or dizziness. This is particularly true in the case of mild traumatic brain injuries or concussions, where symptoms can be non-specific and may not appear immediately.

For instance, after a seemingly minor fall or a bump to the head at work, you might feel slightly disoriented or “off” but assume it’s just a temporary feeling that will pass. You might experience headache, slight confusion, ringing in the ears, or fatigue. As time progresses, these symptoms can evolve or worsen.

Cognitive symptoms might include persistent headaches, difficulty concentrating, memory problems, and feeling slowed down. Physically, you may notice nausea, sleep disturbances, blurred vision, or sensitivity to light and noise. Emotionally, changes like irritability, depression, or mood swings can also indicate a brain injury. These symptoms can persist for days, weeks, or even longer, significantly impacting your daily life and ability to work.

It’s also worth noting that every individual’s experience with brain injury is unique. Some might experience immediate and severe symptoms, while others gradually notice changes over time. This variability underscores the importance of seeking medical attention after any head injury, no matter how minor it may seem.

What Are the Long-Term Effects of a Brain Injury on Work and Life?

The long-term effects of an injury to the brain can be devastating, affecting every aspect of a person’s life. Victims might face challenges like memory loss, reduced cognitive function, personality changes, and physical disabilities. These changes can impact their ability to return to work, perform daily activities, and maintain relationships. For example, Sarah, an IT professional who suffered a brain injury from a slip and fall accident at work, might struggle with concentration and memory, making it difficult to continue in her current role.

Does Workers’ Compensation Cover Brain Injuries?

In California, workers’ compensation is designed to cover medical expenses, lost wages, and rehabilitation costs for injuries sustained while on the job, including brain injuries. Once the injury is reported and the claim is filed, workers’ compensation should provide benefits to cover ongoing medical treatment, a portion of lost earnings, and necessary rehabilitation services. However, the amount of coverage can vary based on the severity of the injury and the specific terms of the insurance policy.

When filing for workers’ compensation for a brain injury, it’s important to document everything meticulously, from the incident report to medical records and witness statements. Ensure that all deadlines are met and consider seeking the help of an experienced attorney to navigate the complex claims process and advocate for your rights.

In some cases, you might be able to sue beyond workers’ compensation for a brain injury. If the injury was caused by a third party’s negligence, defective products, or if the employer’s conduct was particularly egregious, you might have grounds for a personal injury lawsuit. This can provide compensation for pain and suffering, loss of quality of life, and punitive damages, which are not covered by workers’ compensation.

What Are the Challenges in Proving the Extent of a Brain Injury?

Proving the extent of a brain injury can be challenging due to the invisible nature of some symptoms. It often requires expert medical evaluations, neuropsychological assessments, and sometimes, testimony from family members or coworkers who can attest to changes in your behavior or abilities. Gathering comprehensive medical evidence is crucial to demonstrate the full impact of the injury on your life and work.

To maximize recovery and compensation after a brain injury, follow all medical advice and treatment plans, keep detailed records of your injury and its impact on your life, and work with a skilled attorney who understands the complexities of brain injuries and workers’ compensation law.

What Are My Rights If I’m Unable to Return to Work After a Brain Injury?

If you’re unable to return to work after a brain injury, you may be entitled to permanent disability benefits under workers’ compensation, vocational rehabilitation services, or even disability benefits through Social Security. Understanding your rights and the available benefits is crucial to securing your financial future and accessing the support you need.

How Can an Experienced Lawyer Help in Cases of Brain Injury at Work?

An experienced lawyer can offer invaluable assistance in cases of brain injury at work by ensuring that you receive proper medical evaluations, filing and managing your workers’ compensation claim, negotiating with insurance companies, and, if necessary, pursuing additional legal action against responsible parties. With their expertise, you can focus on your recovery while they handle the legal complexities and fight for your rights.

Brain injuries in the workplace can have life-altering consequences, and navigating the aftermath can be overwhelming. By understanding your rights, the workers’ compensation process, and the potential for additional legal recourse, you can take the first steps toward securing the necessary support and compensation. If you have suffered a brain injury in the workplace, call Gibson & Hughes today at (714) 406-0998 for a case evaluation.