If you or an immediate family member has suffered from a traumatic brain injury, then you are likely facing hefty medical bills. As an Orange County brain injury law firm, we know that between hospitalization, therapy, medication, rehabilitation, and loss of income, the bills can pile up. You are not alone in this. Many families across the country find themselves struggling to cover the expenses following a brain injury.

Fortunately, there are resources available for families in their time of need. Not everyone will qualify for financial assistance, but it is worth checking your eligibility.

Here are some of the financial resources available to victims of brain injuries and their families.

Federal Government Aid

There are two main federal programs available to assist people when they are unable to work due to injuries. The first is Supplemental Security Income (SSI). It’s designed to help individuals with little to no income by providing funds to pay for clothing, housing, food, and necessities.

In order to receive the benefits of Supplemental Security Income, you must be eligible and qualify for the program. The SSI program allows potential candidates to complete an online screening tool in a short period of time to determine eligibility. You can set up these benefits over the phone or by stopping at a local Social Security office.

The federal government offers a second program called Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI). This program offers financial assistance to those that have paid into the Social Security system and are now unable to work due to a disability or injury, such as brain trauma. The SSDI benefits may be paid to the spouse or children in certain circumstances. In order to qualify, the person must be unable to work for a year or more due to the disability.

State Government Aid

Most local governments and states offer financial assistance programs to people that have disabilities. Programs are typically available for veterans as well. If you served in the military before experiencing traumatic brain injury financial assistance, then it is certainly worthwhile to check into state programs for veterans.

The type and amount of aid vary in these state programs, so be sure to check with your local government for available financial assistance.

Community Organizations And Foundations

Doing a simple Google search can help you unearth local organizations and foundations offering financial assistance in your area. You can also ask friends and family if they know of any organizations that offer financial aid.

Non-Profits And Other Support

Reaching out to a non-profit can help you cover the expenses of a traumatic brain injury. Non-profit organizations such as Help Hope Live strive to provide financial support for those affected by catastrophic injuries.

One less traditional way to seek out financial assistance is by starting a crowdfunding campaign such as an Indiegogo or Go Fund Me. These fundraising platforms allow you to create a campaign to raise money for any cause, including your own medical bills. This is an excellent way to receive assistance from your community and other generous people.

Consult With A Brain Injury Attorney

It is possible that your injury could qualify for financial compensation from an insurance company or a lawsuit. If you think you could be you have a claim, then consult with a personal injury attorney as soon as possible to discuss your legal options.